Most of the air pollution we experience outdoors is out of our control. While we all do play a role in contributing to it, in the grand scheme of things, we can only do so much. However, the same isn’t true for indoor air pollution which at times can be even worse than the air we breathe outside. This is why it is highly recommended to install & regularly replace home air filters.
But what if we told you most indoor pollution is caused by common household products and activities? While home air filters certainly help reduce the ill-effects of these activities and products, there are ways to make the air inside your home even safer.
1. Stop Smoking Inside Your Home

This might seem obvious, but people underestimate how harmful cigarette smoke is inside a closed environment. When a cigarette burns it’s not just the tobacco burning; it is the paper, glue, and wood shavings too. The smoke released carries toxic gases and particles that settle onto carpets, curtains, couches, and anything else with fabric or carpeting. You can think of this as third hand smoke and this is something more likely to harm young children who may spend most of their time playing on the carpeted floor. HEPA designed home filters will reduce smell and absorb harmful smoke particles, but the residue attached to carpets and fabrics will remain. You can remove it by cleaning them, but household cleaning products have their own role to play….
2. Everyday Household Cleaning Items

Household cleaners are almost always made up of harmful chemicals that when used release strong fumes. The chemicals released with these fumes can cause irritation to the nose, eyes, lungs, and even your skin. Even scented candles and non-herbal incense sticks release harmful toxins into the environment. While they might smell nice, they aren’t natural and hence have the potential to cause harm. We highly recommend using organic cleaning products to minimize the risk.
3. Cooking Without an Exhaust

Depending on what you’re cooking, you may enjoy smelling the food around the house or you may not. But one thing is for sure, your lungs won’t enjoy the gas fumes being released while you cook. Stoves that run on natural gas or propane release carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other pollutants into the air. Having efficient ventilation inside the kitchen is advised when cooking. Either keep the windows open, run exhaust fans, or both.
Keeping the above in mind will not only offer some relief to your homes HVAC system and air filters, it also reduces your exposure to harmful gases most people simply aren’t aware of.
4. Clogged Home Air Filters

As mentioned above, air filters for your home’s HVAC system play an important role in minimizing air pollution. That being said, air filters can get clogged over time especially in environments with high pollution, such as large metropolitan cities. Nowadays, air filtration at home is getting more and more advanced, and you can now buy advanced air filters known as HEPA filters. This type of hope filter can remove as much as 99% of contaminants from the air inside your home. PUREFLOW® home air filters come with 4 layers of filtration including a HEPA filtration media. So, if it is time to replace your home’s air filter, you should consider switching to the latest in air filtration technology.