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Your car is one of your most significant, and most important investments. It takes you to and from work, school, and errands! However, most people don’t give their vehicles the adequate attention they need until it’s time for service. In addition, most people forget that while giving your car a cosmetic exterior wash is essential, some other areas of your car deserve that same cleaning treatment. Keep reading to learn more about what areas of your car you can clean at home.

The Importance of Cleaning Parts of Your Car

A thorough car cleaning has many advantages that many vehicle owners may not even consider. By cleaning specific areas of your car with the proper washing techniques, you’ll be able to help prevent your vehicle from malfunctioning and breaking down. As dirt, grime, rust, debris, and other containments sit on your car untreated, they add wear and tear to your vehicle, thus slowly breaking down the areas of your car that matter most. To make your vehicle last longer, without frequent costly auto repair services, you’ll want to consider cleaning these parts of your car sooner than later.


Car Tires

Your tires can become an easily forgotten part of your car, especially when it comes to cleaning. However, your tires are one of the most important parts of your vehicle, especially considering they’re the only part of your vehicle that touches the ground. Your tires are probably filled with the dirt, pebbles, and debris they pick up from the streets. To keep your tires in good condition and reduce the tire deterioration process, it’s best to clean your tires frequently.

How to Clean Your Tires

Even though your tires are crucial areas of your car that need to be cleaned, their cleaning process is relatively simple. You’ll only need some sort of hose, a soft-bristled brush, and soap to effectively clean them. Spraying the tires with a hose knocks off any loose dirt and debris that may be on your tires. Then, with soap and your soft-bristled brush, you’ll be able to get a deeper scrub to remove any stuck-on dirt. Cleaning your tires also gives you an opportunity to perform a quick inspection. You’ll be able to inspect your tires for damage and tread wear. It’s also the perfect time to check each tire’s air pressure 

Engine Bay

Although your vehicle’s engine bay isn’t exposed to the outside elements, debris, dirt, oil, and grime can still make their way inside. By cleaning under the hood of your car, you’ll be able to check for any buildup of grease and dirt that may eventually harm your engine. If over time grease, dirt, and debris do buildup, they may prevent your engine and other vehicle parts in your engine bay from performing correctly.

How to Clean Your Engine Bay

Before you start cleaning your engine bay, you’ll want to make sure it’s completely cooled down. It’s also imperative that you cover the alternator, fuse box, and any of the other areas of your vehicle that shouldn’t get wet. Check with your owner’s manual to remove your battery cable and other parts in your engine bay that need to be either disconnected, covered, or removed. 

From there, you’ll want to use compressed air or a vacuum to remove any loose dirt that may be in the bay. If you’ve had any oil leaks recently, it’s important to inform yourself on the proper techniques on removing grease from those parts. Then to thoroughly clean the other car parts in your engine’s bay, use a brush to scrub the metal and aluminum parts clean. After you’ve removed all the dirt, grease, and debris, rinse your engine bay with a hose. You may use a leaf blower or air compressor for this step, but it’s important your engine bay is completely dry before you start using your car again.

Wiper Blades 

Wiper Blades

It may seem coincidental, but your windshield wipers also need cleaning. Windshield wiper blades endure a lot of damage, whether it’s from the sun’s harmful UV rays, fallen twigs, branches, or leaves. If your wiper blades aren’t properly cleaned and cared for, their structural integrity will decrease which means you’ll get streaks and improper wiping on your windshield – especially at times when you need your blades to work the best.

How to Clean Your Wiper Blades

The process of cleaning your wiper blades is simple. Your wipers will benefit from an effortless soap and water wash. However, be careful not to tear the rubber squeegee when pulling it away from the windshield. The rubber squeegee will stick to the windshield on hot days and no rainfall. For an even deeper clean, you can use rubbing alcohol and a cloth to clean the areas of your blades that collect the most dirt and debris.

Air Vents

Air Vents

Your car’s air vents are probably some of the most underrated components of your vehicle. However, your air vents are crucial to your overall health and comfort in your car. Your air vents provide you with cool air on a hot summer and warm air during a snowstorm. Overall, your air vents are important. However, if your car air vents are dirty, they can be blowing dust into the air you and your passengers breathe. Make sure the health of you and your family isn’t in jeopardy by frequently cleaning your vehicle’s air vents.

How to Clean Your Air Vents

Removing the dust and debris from your car’s air vents is a relatively simple process and can be done three different ways. One way to clean your air vents is by using compressed air. Compressed air can lift off any stuck-on dirt your ducts may have, removing it from the vents entirely. You can also use a strong vacuum that can suck any dirt and dust from your vents by simply running the vacuum over the vents. Also, wiping your vent slots with a cloth can help. A cloth can get in the nooks and crannies that other air compressors and vacuums can’t.

If you’ve tried all three options and they you still notice dust and debris coming through your car vents, it may be time to replace your vehicle’s cabin air filter with a PUREFLOW® cabin air filter. PUREFLOW® cabin air filters deliver clean, fresh air that won’t make you question whether the air you and your passengers breathe is safe.

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Choose from a refreshing selection of six scents

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Keep your car fresh and clean with a new cabin air filter

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